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    ReFri Software - Our products

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  • ReFri Software
    Het Breed 927

    Phone: +31-(020) 634-4526
    email: info@refrisoftware.com 

    Company Registration No: 34116114

    PHP applications
    We can create PHP web applications. CSS, JavaScript and HTML are always separated from the PHP code so that your content is  manageable for web designers without PHP knowledge.    

    Web design
    We can design a website for you.

    Internet domains and web hosting
    We can host your domain on our server whom you can access via CPanel.

    PHP course
    Because of my experience as a PHP teacher at the Mediacollege in Amsterdam
    I can teach you how to program in PHP with the OOP principle.

    Multimedia applications
    A multimedia application is a combination of pictures and sound in an interactive computer environment for windows only.

    A multimedia application looks pretty much like a computer game. You can find the same interactivity in a multimedia application.
    You can think of an interactive course, manuals, brochures, etc.

    We can also create a flash application for your website that works on every computer that supports flash (like Linux, Windows and Apple, except for the iPad and the iPhone.

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