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  • 2nd installation of Horizon QCMS on the same site

    2nd installation of Horizon QCMS on the same site

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  • ReFri Software
    Het Breed 927

    Phone: +31-(020) 634-4526
    email: info@refrisoftware.com 

    Company Registration No: 34116114

    This applies to all versions of Horizon

    We know that some of the web templates aren't very useful if you've a website with dozens of information. But did you know that it's quite simple to install a 2nd version of Horizon QCMS on your website so that you can have a website like the one you see on heathernova.us?

    Just copy all the files in a 2nd map, something like articles, copy the file config.php, use the same database settings from your main site and change the value of $site_id into something new.

    Something like : $site_id = "_articles"; 

    After that you can install Horizon a second time...

    Something like this :

    # Copyright (c) 2006, 2014 ReFri Software / Internet Publication 
    # All rights reserved. 

    error_reporting(E_ALL E_NOTICE); 

    $user "root"
    $password ""
    $host "localhost"
    $dbname "my_database"
    $site_id "new_horizon"

    $mysql "mysqli"

    $mysql =="mysql"){ 
    $db mysql_connect ($host$user$password) or  
            die (
    "I can't make a connection with the database"); 
    mysql_select_db ($dbname$db); 
    } elseif (
    $mysql =="mysqli"){ 
    $db = new mysqli($host$user$password$dbname) or  
    "I can't make a connection with the database"); 
    } else{ 
    "unknown database";  

    # Extra configuration options 
    # Enable URL rewrite, change in false if you  
    # don't want to use the URL rewrite function... 


    # Login configuration. 
    # Set to false if you want to login  
    # with your username instead 
    # of your email address. 

    $login_email true
    #$login_email = false; 

    # Copyright (c) 2006, 2014 ReFri Software / Internet Publication 
    # All rights reserved. 

    error_reporting(E_ALL E_NOTICE); 

    $user "root"
    $password ""
    $host "localhost"
    $dbname "my_database"
    $site_id "articles"

    $mysql "mysqli"

    $mysql =="mysql"){ 
    $db mysql_connect ($host$user$password) or  
            die (
    "I can't make a connection with the database"); 
    mysql_select_db ($dbname$db); 
    } elseif (
    $mysql =="mysqli"){ 
    $db = new mysqli($host$user$password$dbname) or  
    "I can't make a connection with the database"); 
    } else{ 
    "unknown database";  

    # Extra configuration options 
    # Enable URL rewrite, change in false if you  
    # don't want to use the URL rewrite function... 


    # Login configuration. 
    # Set to false if you want to login  
    # with your username instead 
    # of your email address. 

    $login_email true
    #$login_email = false; 

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