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  • How do I enable URL Rewrite in Horizon QCMS?

    How do I enable URL Rewrite in Horizon QCMS?

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  • ReFri Software
    Het Breed 927

    Phone: +31-(020) 634-4526
    email: info@refrisoftware.com 

    Company Registration No: 34116114

    This applies only to Horizon QCMS 4.1

     Please keep in mind that the URL_Rewrite function in Horizon QCMS 4.1 is only tested on an Apache webserver (on MS-Windows and Linux servers).

    Step 1 
    Open config.php in Notepad and look for the $url_rewrite variable.
    # Extra configuration options 
    # To enable URL rewrite, set $url_rewrite=true; 
    # Please, keep in mind that the url_rewrite function is 
    # only tested on Apache webservers on Linux and MS-Windows computers. 

    Step 2
    Change $url_rewrite into true: $url_rewrite=true; 
    # Extra configuration options 
    # To enable URL rewrite, set $url_rewrite=true; 
    # Please, keep in mind that the url_rewrite function is 
    # only tested on Apache webservers on Linux and MS-Windows computers. 


    Step 3
    Save config.php and then you'll have enabled URL_Rewrite! 

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