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  • How do I change the login screen?

    How do I change the login screen?

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  • ReFri Software
    Het Breed 927

    Phone: +31-(020) 634-4526
    email: info@refrisoftware.com 

    Company Registration No: 34116114

    Open config.php in Notepad and search for login configuration:

    # Login configuration.  
    # Set to false if you want to login with your username instead  
    # of your email address.  

    #$login_email = true;  
    $login_email false;  

    Change $login_email in true, like this:
    # Login configuration.  
    # Set to false if you want to login with your username instead  
    # of your email address.  

    $login_email true;  
    #$login_email = false; 

    Save the results.

    Next time you login, Horizon will ask for your username. 

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