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  • ReFri Software
    Het Breed 927

    Phone: +31-(020) 634-4526
    email: info@refrisoftware.com 

    Company Registration No: 34116114

    The price for web hosting is only € 30.-- a year*

    You will get:

    1. 24/7 access to your website
    2. 24/7 access to CPanel so that you can maintain your website (you'll be able to reset email password, create new email addresses, delete email addresses).
    3. Via CPanel, you can also create sub domains.
    4. Via CPanel, you can also create and maintain your MySQL databases.
    5. 5 GB space and a data limit of 5 GB per month

    We can also install Horizon QCMS for you without a setup fee.

    Horizon QCMS is a Quick Content Management System. With Horizon, you can easily add, edit or delete web pages. Horizon QCMS has a built-in support for you tube movies so that it is easy to insert a you tube movie in your web page without grabbing the embed code.

     * The price does not include 21% VAT

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